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     Installation & Configure


    Installation BDD Server (Unix)

  1. Create a directory to unpack the distribution in. There is no "setup" or "install" script to run, so choose a directory that you wish to run the software from.
    For example, we will use /usr/local/bdd
  2. Download the BDD distribution from Web site at Download into the newly created directory (/usr/local/bdd).
  3. Unpack the BDD distribution using unzip, (for example, unzip bddserver_sol2x_sun.zip ).
  4. Configure BDD Server
  5. Start BDD Server, for this run shell script  './start'

    Installation BDD Server (Windows NT)

  1. Create a directory to unpack the distribution in. There is no "setup" or "install" script to run, so choose a directory that you wish to run the software from.
    For example, we will use c:\bdd
  2. Download the BDD distribution from Web site at Download into the newly created directory (c:\bdd).
  3. Unpack the BDD distribution using unzip, pkzip or WinZIP
    (for example
    unzip bddserver_winnt.zip
    pkzip25 -extract bddserver_winnt.zip ).
  4. Configure BDD Server
  5. Start BDD Server, for this run 'start_.bat'

    Installation BDD JDBC Client for JDK 1.1.x

  1. Create a directory to unpack the distribution in. There is no "setup" or "install" script to run, so choose a directory that you wish to run the software from.
  2. Download the BDD distribution from Web site at Download into the newly created directory . For example:
  3. Unpack the BDD distribution using unzip, pkzip or WinZIP
    (for example
    unzip jdbc_jdk11.zip
    pkzip25 -extract jdbc_jdk11.zip ).
  4. Place the BDD JDBC Client 'boeireep.jar' in the CLASSPATH. Depending on the platform you are using, your directory trees should be set in one of the following ways:
    Windows 95/NT

    Installation BDD ODBC Client for Windows95/NT

  1. Create a directory to unpack the distribution in.
  2. Download the BDD distribution from Web site at Download into the newly created directory . For example:
  3. Unpack the BDD distribution using unzip, pkzip or WinZIP
    (for example):
    pkzip25 -extract odbc_win.zip
  4. Run 'odbc_setup.exe' (you should already have installed ODBC Driver manager version 2.x and above)
  5. After successful installation, start 'ODBC Administrator'.
    You can see 'Boeireep32 ODBC' in the list ' ODBC Drivers'.
    Create new DSN for 'Boeireep32 ODBC' by choosing 'Add' from
    'User DSN', 'System DSN' or 'File DSN'

    Installation BDD ODBC Client for Unix

  1. Create a directory to unpack the distribution in.
  2. Download the BDD distribution from Web site at Download into the newly created directory . For example:
  3. Unpack the BDD distribution using gzip and tar
    (for example):
    gzip -dc odbc_linux_x86.tgz | tar xvf -
  4. Install iODBC Driver Manager, if you have not it.
    (You can download iODBC Driver Manager from http://www.iodbc.org )
  5. Open your .idbc.ini file by any editor and add(change) the following sections
    For example:
    [ODBC Data Sources]
    Boeireep = Boeireep ODBC Driver
    Driver          = /opt/bdd/lib/boeireep_iodbc.so.1
    Description     = Sample Boeireep DSN
    Port            = 20000
    Host            = sun20
    Requestor       = Ingres
    Database        = otest
    Username        = serg
    Password        = 
    Group           = 
    Rolename        = 
    Rolepwd         = 
    Driver          = /opt/bdd/lib/boeireep_iodbc.so.1
  6. After this you can test ODBC Driver by programm odbctest (This programm is a part of the iODBC Driver Manager)

    Configure BDD Server

    You can adjust work of the BDD server with the help of file boeireep.cfg.
The configuration file format can have the following lines:

  • blank lines, that are ignored
  • comment lines starting with ';', that are ignored to the end of line
  • keyword lines with a format of:
    <KeyWord> = <Value>
  • section with a format of:
    KeyWord1 = Value1
    KeyWord2 = Value2
    KeyWord3 = Value3
    The table below describes each BDD Server attribute required for making a connection from your BDD JDBC or BDD ODBC Clients to your backend database engine:  
Section and Keys Corresponding Connect String option Description
[TCP]      TCP/IP communications settings.

The TCP Port number to listen on. Example:
   Port = 20000

[Communications]       Common communications and auth setting
CheckPwd       The program for check of the password of the user. The programm call with two environment variable:
      $BDD_USERID             - Name of the connected user
      $BDD_PASSWORD - Password of the connected user
The program have to return exit status = 0, if the password is right
[Environment_name]   Environmental definitions for the various database agents
....     For Ingres BDD Agent you are to set a variable:
otherwise  fields of a type theDATE will not be treated correctly..
[driver_name]     Database Agent settings.
Programm       Name executable image of BDD Agent
    Programm = ./req_ing
Environment     One of the [Enviroment_name].  All environment variables from section [Enviroment_name] will be set before call of the executable image BDD Agent.
   Example (if you described [Enviroment_INGRES]):
Environment  = INGRES

Describes how the BDD server should authenticate client connections.   There are two options:
Dbms - if DBMS should authenticate client connection
System -if OS should authenticate client connection, with the help of CheckPwd programm

CommandLine    List command line parameters from executable image of BDD Agent
Directory   not used
Database database=dbname Name of Database for the BDD Agent. If the name of Database isn't indicated, the name, obtained from the BDD client, will be used.
UserId user=username Username for connection to the DBMS. If the username isn't indicated, the username, obtained from the BDD client, will be used.
Password password=password Password for connection to the DBMS. If the password isn't indicated, the password, obtained from the BDD client, will be used.
  Indicate codepage DBMS and codepage BDD Client if you want that the fields of a type SQL_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, SQL_LONGVARCHAR and text of query were decoded by BDD Agent. Example:
   ServerCP = iso88595
   ClientCP  = cp1251
 Besides you it will be necessary to create the file 'iso88595-cp1251.tbl'  or 'cp1251-iso88595.tbl' in which will be described the correspondence of one characters by other.
[Requestor_List]     This list is used to find what of drivers
to use for processing request from BDD Client.
Requestor:Database:Uid:Host    Example:

   ingres:*:*:* = accept driver_ingres
  It means that 'driver_ingres' will be used if the inquiry for connect is received with 'Requestor=Ingres'

   ing:*:*:* = reject Access denied...
  It means that the inquiry for connect will be rejected with the message "Access denied..."
if the inquiry for connect is received with 'Requestor=ing'


    Format BDD JDBC driver Connect String:

   The URL format for using the BDD JDBC driver is:

    "jdbc:boeireep://<Host>:<Port>/Requestor?<param1>;<param2>; "

Host - required parameter that must be the hostname or IP address where the BDD Request Broker and BDD DB Agent reside. Please note that Applets can only contact the same machine from which they were downloaded.
Port - required parameter that specify the TCP port on which to contact the Broker. The Broker must be bound to the same port.
Requestor - required parameter that specify the one of the 'Requestor' from the [Requestor_List] section.
    All other parameters isn't required and  takes the form of a keyword and
a value. The keyword and value are separated by an 'equals' sign, and each
pair is preceded by a ';' or '&'.
dbname Name of the database that you wish to connect to. 
user Name of user.
password Password of user.
role Role name to connect as.
rolepwd Role password to connect with. Must have a role entry associated with it.
group  Group to connect as. Overrides the default group.
try {
    Class.forName( "com.boeireep.jdbc.Driver" );

    con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
                "jdbc:boeireep://sun20:20000/Ingres?dbname=jtest", "serg", "drumpk" ); 

} catch( Exception e ) { 
        System.err.println( "Error: "+e );
try {

} catch( Exception e ) { 
        System.err.println( "Error: "+e ); 
con_prop = new java.util.Properties( );
con_prop.put( "dbname", "jtest" );
con_prop.put( "user", "serg" );
con_prop.put( "password", "drumpk" );
con_prop.put( "role", "jdbc_test" );
con_prop.put( "rolepasswd", "joker" );
con_prop.put( "group", "developers" );

try {
        Class.forName( "com.boeireep.jdbc.Driver" );

                con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(  
} catch( Exception e ) { 
        System.err.println( "Error: "+e ); 

    Format BDD ODBC driver Connect String:

   The Connect String format for using the BDD ODBC driver is:


Host - required parameter that must be the hostname or IP address where the BDD Request Broker and BDD DB Agent reside. Please note that Applets can only contact the same machine from which they were downloaded.
Port - required parameter that specify the TCP port on which to contact the Broker. The Broker must be bound to the same port.
Requestor - required parameter that specify the one of the 'Requestor' from the [Requestor_List] section.
    All other parameters isn't required and  takes the form of a keyword and
a value. The keyword and value are separated by an 'equals' sign, and each
pair is preceded by a ';'.
database Name of the database that you wish to connect to. 
user Name of user.
password Password of user.
role Role name to connect as.
rolepwd Role password to connect with. Must have a role entry associated with it.
group  Group to connect as. Overrides the default group.

   Please, send your comments to :        Sergei Malinin

HOME Performance Installation Download Author