HOME Performance Installation Download Author


    The following file contains the Boeireep Database Driver (Release Candidate)
version 1.10.0005 , compiled for the following OS and RDBMS:


  1. You have to download BDD Client (it of BDD ODBC driver or
    BDD JDBC driver) and one of  the BDD Servers.
  2. BDD Server for WinNT & Solaris have time limited till 01.09.2000
  3. BDD Server for Linux and for Solaris for Ingres6.4 don't have time limited.

   Please, send your comments to :         Sergei Malinin


  BDD ODBC Driver  (odbc 2.x comptaible)
Products Download
BDD ODBC driver version 1.10.0005 for
WinNT 4.0/2000, Win95/98
BDD ODBC driver version 1.10.0005 for
Sparc Solaris 2.x for iODBC Driver Manager
BDD ODBC driver version 1.10.0005 for
x86 Linux for iODBC Driver Manager
  • for use BDD ODBC driver for WinNT/2000, Win95/98 the ODBC Driver Manager should be already installed
  • for use BDD ODBC driver for Unix the iODBC Driver Manager should be already installed (You can download iODBC Driver Manager from http://www.iodbc.org )

  •   BDD JDBC Driver 

    Products Download
    BDD JDBC driver version 1.10.0005 for JDK 1.1.x jdbc_jdk11.ZIP

      BDD Server

    Products Download Licence
    BDD Server version 1.10.0005 for
    WinNT 4.0/2000
    (It contains BDD Agent for
    OpenIngres 1.x, Ingres II)
    bddserver_winnt.ZIP Shareware
    BDD Server version 1.10.0005 for
    Sparc Solaris 2.x
    (It contains BDD Agent for
    OpenIngres 1.x, Ingres II )
    bddserver_sol2x_sun.ZIP Shareware
    BDD Server version 1.10.0005 for
    Sparc Solaris 2.x
    (It contains BDD Agent for
    Ingres 6.x)
    bddserver_Ing64_sol2x_sun.ZIP Freeware
    BDD Server version 1.10.0005 for
    x86 Linux
    (It contains BDD Agent for
    Ingres II )
    bddserver_linux_x86.ZIP Freeware

    p.s The BDD Server for Solaris for Ingres 6.x doesn't support the following features:

    1. The SQLPrimaryKeys function returns the empty list.
    2. The SQLForeignKeys function returns the empty list.
    3. The SQLProcedureColumns function returns the empty list.
    4. The '{ CALL some_func() }' escape doesn't work.
    5. The authorization by RDBMS isn't supported because this feature isn't supported by Ingres 6.x.

    6. HOME Performance Installation Download Author

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